Error when installing a ESP32 device: Could not find the package with 'tasmota/tool-mklittlefs @ ^3.2.0' requirements for your system 'linux_armv7l

I am trying to install another ESP32 device, and I am now seeing this error.
Any suggestions please?

INFO ESPHome 2024.12.2
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esphome-web-92832c.yaml...
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Updating[email protected]
INFO Compiling app...
Processing esphome-web-92832c (board: esp32dev; framework: espidf; platform:
Tool Manager: Installing tasmota/tool-mklittlefs @ ^3.2.0
INFO Installing tasmota/tool-mklittlefs @ ^3.2.0
UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with 'tasmota/tool-mklittlefs @ ^3.2.0' requirements for your system 'linux_armv7l'

Didn’t fix the issues, but using ESPHomeBuilder on laptop worked for me, The real issue that the tasmota/tool-mklittlefs is not built for arm7l architecture. My Homeassistent instance is running on an Odroid XU4 which is 32bit ARM.
At least I have a workaround and that is to use my laptop or other 64bit computer to use ESPHomeBuilder.

ESPHome armv7 Docker Support

We will be retiring ESPHome’s Docker support for armv7 hardware in the February 2025 release.

This is due to both waning support as it relates to tooling and performance reasons.

We strongly recommend moving to a more modern architecture, especially if you’re using the ESPHome Device Compiler to build/compile firmware for your devices.
