Error when setting up iTunes integration

I am getting the following error when attempting to setup iTunes in HASS:

Does anyone know what would be causing this? I am able to see the iTunes-api from Safari and when looking at the api logs I even see where attempts are made by HASS attempting to see whats now_playing (im assuming this is part of the initial setup process) but then this error is received.

Not really sure where to go from here and not even sure this api is supported anymore with the recent iOS updates and the move away from iTunes.

Any help is appreciated.

@thopp85 were you able to resolve. Also looking to setting up iTunes integration.

I also had trouble installing the api as well.

The github page also has numerous unresolved install issues. I am wondering if it’s being maintained anymore. If it’s not then it ought to be removed from the official docs, otherwise there will be numerous folks wasting precious time getting this to work, hence causing even more confusion.