Errors from old addons

I have some errors from old addons that are not part of my current hassio
any idea how to solve this?

20-05-20 05:11:17 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/53caca22/snapcastserver/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
20-05-20 05:11:17 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/53caca22/kanboard/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
20-05-20 05:11:17 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/53caca22/mopidy_alpine/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
20-05-20 05:11:17 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can't read /data/addons/git/53caca22/nextcloud/config.json: required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None
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I have same issue…

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Did you ever find a way to resolve this? I don’t recognise any of the names for the addons shown, but the exact same warnings are showing up in my logs too.

For anyone that has this issue and stumbles on this thread; the problem was down to having the repo for BestLibre added to my install, I was using it for the SyncThing addon for a while. Removed that and errors be gone.:raised_hands:t2:

I foolishly added a LOT of repos, and can no longer remove them, clicking the little trash can icon simply responds “Not a valid add-on repository” in red.

Is there another way to remove them ?

any solution to this?

i’ve got;

24-03-21 09:14:45 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [] Can’t read /data/addons/git/64f57845/magic_mirror/config.json: required key not provided @ data[‘arch’]. Got None

But searching for magic_mirror or 64f57845 does not give me ANY result on the whole server…