Finally upgraded from .38 to latest clean install hassbian .6xx.
i have espeasy installed on esp relay boards that fired every time without skipping a beat.
In .6xx the switches that fire these esp relays either do not respond (blue tab on/off) or do respond but dont fire the relay. and some work.
Nothings changed hardware wise. my config is below, i my have read something somewhere that mqtt changed payload from 1/0 to online/offline is this right? cant find the post anywhere and would it relate to what im doing?
when logging the espeasy every time i trigger a switch via ha the connection to the broker is lost. Why would this be happening? It looks like this is stopping the relays firing but whats causing the problem?
The default availability payloads for the MQTT switch platform have changed from “ON” and “OFF” to “online” and “offline” (in order to match the majority of MQTT platforms that already supported availability reporting). (@DanNixon - #11336) (breaking change)
And i doubt if that is related to your problem.
Can you monitor MQTT with mosquito_sub to see what commands are sent? And maybe test them with moquito_pub.
i have the following ESPEasy devices
1x Sonoff
2x Linksprite ESP8266 8Channel Relay boards
i didnt have any issues with them on 0.38 HA.
Now what ive noticed in the logs of ESPEasy is that the 2 8 channel units are constantly losing connection to the broker (never did on .38). The sonoff works as it should - see screenshots, connections on the network never drop out and the ESP’s dont reboot, just lose the broker.
Now if i do sudo apt-get update or sudo hassbian-config install mosquitto i get sources list errors see screenshot. Could this be a bad install of Mosquitto which may be causing the underlying issues?
Also thinking about it… i have a similar setup installed in my camper van, and now i think about it i have the same issue here with a 8Ch Linksprite. Sometimes the relay fires etc, i will check the logs on this when i can chance. i think the version running in the van is the release before christmas so .60 possibly
yes hav done that. When i get a successful trigger i get 2 lines of response per trigger on and off
/understairs/gpio/14 1
/understairs/OS/state 1
/understairs/gpio/14 0
/understairs/OS/state 0
when unsuccessful i get one line
/understairs/gpio/16 1
But why the constant disconnections from the broker in ESP easy?