Hi all!
I’m very grateful for all the work you guys have put into this integration as it helped me to get my Haiers into HomeAssistant even though an official integration still lacks within the HomeAssistant ecosystem.
Unfortunately, the whole experience wasn’t without some serious hours of troubleshooting as I didn’t get to a working setup without a fight. So I thought I’d document this for anyone who might experience a similar situation.
Original Setup:
- 2x Haier Tundra 2.5 kW Airco units (IR Remotes)
- 2x KZW-W002 WiFi adapter (Work with SmartAir2 App, NOT with the Hon App)
New Setup
- 2x ESP-12 D1 Mini NodeMcu Lua Wifi (ESP8266)
- 2x old USB-A cables
- ESPHome + HomeAssistant
- Took an old USB-A cable and cut it as described in the OP
- Soldered the wires according to the wiring scheme
- Installed UART drivers on my laptop to detect the serial ESP device via it’s onboard microUSB-port (COM10)
- Created a .yaml file with the Haier SmartAir2 protocol configuration
- Newly created dongle was recognized by ESPHome
- Config.yaml was validated and installed on the ESP-12 D1 mini
- The new dongle, while still powered by my laptop was able to connect to my Wifi and showed it used the smartair2 protocol and captured traffic
At this point I thought I got it all working in one go, but boy was I wrong.
Once I installed the dongle in the Haier unit it powered on and was discovered by ESPHome. However, it showed timeouts in the log and the entities were not showing any data in HomeAssistant. When I clicked a button in the HVAC card in HA, it did show the action in the ESPHome log, but showed an error sending the request to the Haier.
I started to read up on potential issues and tried to strip the configuration to its bare minimum, even re-soldered the wires to make sure everything was correct. I don’t know how many time I re-flashed the configuration to the ESP-12 D1 Mini, but it was a lot!
Long story short…
As my units only worked with the SmartAir2 app, I only focussed on this protocol for the configuration, assuming the Hon protocol would not work.
Turned out I was wrong again, as this caused the issue all along.
- Thanks to the post of @Chris.tian, I decided to give the Hon protocol a try
- I’ve reset my ESP-12 D1 mini to its original state and changed the configuration to suit the Hon protocol instead of the SmartAir2 protocol, and got success!
Lesson learned:
- Even though you always used the SmartAir2 app with your Haier Unit, it doesn’t mean it can ONLY work with the SmartAir2 protocol.
I hope this helps others who struggle with getting their older Haier units to work. I know it would have saved me at least a few hours of irritation and troubleshooting.
This is my working Haier-Hon-configuration.yaml content:
name: aircokantoor
friendly_name: "Airco Kantoor"
name_add_mac_suffix: false
min_version: 2024.6.0
name: esphome.web
version: dev
board: esp01_1m
# Enable logging
level: DEBUG
baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "thisisanicepassword"
# Allow Over-The-Air updates
- platform: esphome
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
package_import_url: github://esphome/example-configs/esphome-web/esp8266.yaml@main
import_full_config: true
# To have a "next url" for improv serial
baud_rate: 9600
tx_pin: 1
rx_pin: 3
id: ac_port
- platform: haier
id: haier_kantoor
protocol: hon
name: Airco Kantoor
uart_id: ac_port
wifi_signal: true # Optional, default true, enables WiFI signal transmission from ESP to AC
visual: # Optional, you can use it to limit min and max temperatures in UI (not working for remote!)
min_temperature: 16 °C
max_temperature: 30 °C
target_temperature: 1
current_temperature: 0.5
supported_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some modes if you don't need them
- 'OFF' # always available
- HEAT_COOL # always available
supported_swing_modes: # Optional, can be used to disable some swing modes if your AC does not support it
- 'OFF'
supported_presets: # Optional, can be used to disable some presets if your AC does not support it
- platform: haier
haier_id: haier_kantoor
name: Airco Kantoor Power
- platform: haier
haier_id: haier_kantoor
name: Airco Kantoor Indoor Fan Status
name: Airco Kantoor Compressor Status
name: Airco Kantoor Defrost Status