Esp32-C5 - 5.8 GHz

Video with some basic info and shows the hardware. Do you think 5 GHz wifi is going to make a big difference?

No. It may in fact be worse for sensor type devices.
This is somewhat environment specific.

Faster speed is useless for a sensor.
Higher frequency has shorter range and cannot penetrate material as well

2.4 is effectively good enough
2.4 is used by a lot of other devices so noise could be an issue

If you live in apt complex and everyone is using 2.4, 5ghz may be the only option.

In the end it wont matter for a esp32 and you should use whatever works for you environment

when I say faster speed is useless, I really mean reliability is more important. If you gain speed but lose reliability it is not worth it for a sensor.


Personally I don’t think it’ll make a big difference. As the video notes, it’s good for congested areas or high-datarate (e.g. video) applications, at the expense of reduced range. Maybe if someone (Nabu Casa, are you listening?) wanted to make an “open” video camera?

In my opinion, the support of WiFi 6 in the esp32-c6 (and forthcoming c5) is a bigger deal. Low-datarate sensors and actuators will greatly benefit from WiFi 6 improvements in spectrum efficiency, reducing congestion not only on their own network, but on all adjacent, overlapping 2.4ghz networks. That band needs to be used as efficiently as possible.