ESP32-Cam help -- Doesn't seem to power up

So This is my first time with this board. I boughta DSD Tech sh-09c5 for my usb to serial connection and I have it set to 5V. I followed the wiring and wired VCC to 5V and Gnd to GND. connected the TX to RX and RX to TX. I held down the boot button while I plugged in my DSD to my usb. My PC found the DSD and assigned it to COM4 and I set putty to serial and set the Baud to 115200. Meanwhile the ESP is doing nothing. I see no lights turning on or anything. Although it appears to only be a single white led, I suppose to take snapshots with. Putty has no activlty. So far have I done everything correct? these are the units I purchased

Thanks for any help

While I disagree setting converter at 5V, I leave that aside.
To upload to esp32 cam you need to connect Gpio0 to GND next to it.
Also be aware GND/R pin next to flash LED is not a GND pin. To connect ESP to your usb converter use GND pin next to 5V pin.

Thanks for the reply. After fiddling with it I got to setup the thing with the “First Time setup” setting. After that I haven’t been able to reconnect to install my yaml to it, it stayc disconnected. Do I need to remove the jumper on gpio0 after the initial flash?


For normal use you have to disconnect it.

Got it thanks