ESP32 for TCL AC

I m trying to replace the original wifi module of an TCL AC. Found this guide
It contains a yaml file that I m flashing via ESPHOME.
Here’s the yaml:

device_name: tclac
humanly_name: TCL Air Conditioner
wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
wifi_password: !secret wifi_password
recovery_pass: mKSzmBdt7DAj
ota_pass: 90cf525a594c8bb2cbf917bc2c2fa058
api_key: lmUoWsWs1oqSfJqLFsA6PisHSx4Y1G+iu7V3PDIqpXk=
uart_rx: GPIO3
uart_tx: GPIO1
receive_led: GPIO2
transmit_led: GPIO2

url: GitHub - I-am-nightingale/tclac
ref: master
- packages/core.yaml
refresh: 30s

platform: ESP32
board: nodemcu-32s

I want to set a static_ip but i fail every time. Any help?

That’s not yaml.

You don’t even have wifi component there, where would you set static ip?
Also, post your code with code tags (top right icon>>preformatted text), so it’s readable for others.