ESP32 + Inline Duct Fan Controller

First, i gotta say this site is super informative and helpful. I am a 100% new when it comes to any of this BUT has the basic concept down. Its just too much out there to really know what to get. Its like throwing a kid into a Toy’s R us (For those of you who are old enough to remember :stuck_out_tongue: ) and asking the kid to pick 1 toy. pft yea right.

ESP32 - Which board to start with?
Sensors -
Room Temp and Humidity sensor - Would be nice if this was wireless and spoke back to the ESP32 unit remotely.
Soil moisture, temp, ec and PH (would love an NPK sensor style)
Module to control and inline duct fan w/ ability to change speed + on / off.

Eventually I would love to be able to open valves that are normally closed.

again, I know the above might be a broard spectrum of possible ways, but any help is appreciated.

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