I need help with stupid problem . I have an esp32 board, which I would like to use like a switch for relay and switch which will be connected to external SW to control same lights( something like a smart SW) I use GPIO4 to control relay ( working fine) and I connect 1 wire to GPIO15 and the other wire to GND , and these 2 wires I would like to connect to regular wall switch ( common and output) but for some reason this configuration not working. When I connect GPIO 15 to ground, nothing happened.
So, gpio4 controls the relay and gpio15 is the switch? Its kind of counterintuitive but, you dont configure it as a switch, you configure it as a binary_sensor and because your using active Low(switch closes and connects to Gnd, pulling gpio15 Low) you need to turn on internal pull up resistor.
definately! You can create very simple to very complex automation’s that run internally on the esp32. I try to run as much of my automation’ s on my esp nodes as I can. Doing it that way prevents you from losing 100% control of devices/automations in the event HA ever goes down or wifi because, everything is on the esp board and doesn’t need HA or wifi in most cases.
Thank you. I read all this information before and use some of it for the other projects, but today I was stuck ( brain freeze). You save me a lot of time, thank you. Working like a charm now.