ESP32S3 and DFPlayer

Hi to all on this forum.
I hope someone of you could help me figure out the issue.
I’m trying to connect ESP32-S3 with the DFPlayer.

First I tried to connect ESP32 with the DFPlayer with the code from the ESPHome page. And this was successful - I could hear all the mp3s I’ve uploaded to the sdcard. Pins for the test on ESP32 board were 16 and17 (

The issue is that I need more RAM for all the logic I intend to put on the ESP (ble scanner is one of them).
I have following ESP32S3 board -
No matter which combination I use for the UART (being a 17/18, 43/44 or custom one like 4/5), I hear cracking noise coming from the speakers.

This is the setup I’m using for the ESP32-S3 (mine is N16R8, but shouldn’t matter).

Same setup (different UART pins though) I’ve been using for ESP32.

Anyone here that could help me figuring out the cracking issue?

Thanks in advance.

Is it the same dfplayer chip both times?

Is it just cracking noise? Or music plus crackling?

Same DFPlayer and only cracking.

BTW, a dev from Discord mentioned to try connecting DFPlayer to 3v3 instead of 5V and that’s working.

I get now randomly tf card unloaded - so that’s my next thing to figure out why.
UART logs are not so helpful.