I installed it to ESPHome over ESPHome Web… all ok… the installation works and the esp connect to my wifi… as long, as i cut him from the power…
After that, he did not start… he is also not connected to wifi, shown as “disconnected” in my FritzBox…
i have to press the reset-button on the esp, then he connect to the wifi, is shown as “online” in ESPHome and works fine…
Next time when i turn the power off, same problem… offline… pressing the reset-button, then all is fiine…
Can anyone help me ?
I have a similar ESP32Wrover, with the same code and this esp works fine after power on…
The ESP itself is not broken if you can reset it with the reset button but something else on the board probably is.
identify the en/reset path on your board
if the pin is routed to a connector make sure nothing is connected to it
identify the resistor and capacitor of the RC timer that is typically used for the reset circuit and look for any damage such as chipped/missing part, solder blobs, etc
if you have the tools you might want to try replacing the parts to increase the resistance and/or capacitance. On a board that initially struggled with this same problem the parts mounted give like 10x delay compared to what is recommended, theoretically
I have connected a 4"-Display to this ESP… but if there is nothing connected to the esp the problem is still there… also if i delete the code from the esp…
@hramrach :
Thanks for the tips, but i think, thats too much for me…
I dont think, that the Reset-Button is the problem…
Something is blocking the power when i connect the esp to a power-supply…
When i connect the ESP to Power, nothing works… then i press the Reset-Button and the ESP starts… As long as the ESP is connected to Power, all is fine… i can make a Software-Reset, i can flash the ESP… all works fine, until i disconnect the Power…
So i think, there must be a failure in the Power-Connection…?