Esp8266 lights won't turn on

My lights are connected to my esp8266 which i have set up with mqtt to connect with my raspberry pi 3 b+. The raspberry pi is running home assistant. The light worked before but i unplugged my setup for a month or so, now i’ve downloaded the new version of hassio and connected everything again, the esp8266 connects to the raspberry pi without any problems but when i turn the light on using homeassistant it doesn’t work. The switch turns yellow for a sec but as soon as homeassistant realises the light doesn’t turn on, the switch goes gray again. the light never went on in this process.
My configuration.yalm:

- platform: mqtt
_ name: ‘Bedroom Light1’_
_ state_topic: ‘Bedroom/light1/status’_
_ command_topic: ‘Bedroom/light1/switch’_
_ payload_on: “ON”_
_ payload_off: “OFF”_
_ _
- platform: mqtt
_ name: ‘Bedroom Light2’_
_ state_topic: ‘Bedroom/light2/status’_
_ command_topic: ‘Bedroom/light2/switch’_
_ qos: 0_
_ payload_on: “ON”_
_ payload_off: “OFF”_
_ optimistic: false_

My esp8266:


// Wifi: SSID and password
const char* WIFI_SSID = “Michiel de Router”;
const char* WIFI_PASSWORD = “Een1Twee2Drie3”;

// MQTT: ID, server IP, port, username and password
const PROGMEM char* MQTT_CLIENT_ID = “Bedroomlight2”;
const PROGMEM char* MQTT_SERVER_IP = “”;
const PROGMEM uint16_t MQTT_SERVER_PORT = 1883;

// MQTT: topics
const char* MQTT_LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC = “Bedroom/light2/status”;
const char* MQTT_LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC = “Bedroom/light2/switch”;

// payloads by default (on/off)
const char* LIGHT_ON = “ON”;
const char* LIGHT_OFF = “OFF”;

const PROGMEM uint8_t LED_PIN = 5;
boolean m_light_state = false; // light is turned off by default

WiFiClient wifiClient;
PubSubClient client(wifiClient);

// function called to publish the state of the light (on/off)
void publishLightState() {
_ if (m_light_state) {_
_ client.publish(MQTT_LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC, LIGHT_ON, true);_
_ } else {_
_ client.publish(MQTT_LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC, LIGHT_OFF, true);_
_ }_

// function called to turn on/off the light
void setLightState() {
_ if (m_light_state) {_
_ digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);_
_ Serial.println(“INFO: Turn light on…”);_
_ } else {_
_ digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);_
_ Serial.println(“INFO: Turn light off…”);_
_ }_

// function called when a MQTT message arrived
void callback(char* p_topic, byte* p_payload, unsigned int p_length) {
_ // concat the payload into a string_
_ String payload;_
_ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < p_length; i++) {_
_ payload.concat((char)p_payload[i]);_
_ }_
_ _
_ // handle message topic_
_ if (String(MQTT_LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC).equals(p_topic)) {_
_ // test if the payload is equal to “ON” or “OFF”_
_ if (payload.equals(String(LIGHT_ON))) {_
_ if (m_light_state != true) {_
_ m_light_state = true;_
_ setLightState();_
_ publishLightState();_
_ }_
_ } else if (payload.equals(String(LIGHT_OFF))) {_
_ if (m_light_state != false) {_
_ m_light_state = false;_
_ setLightState();_
_ publishLightState();_
_ }_
_ }_
_ }_

void reconnect() {
_ // Loop until we’re reconnected_
_ while (!client.connected()) {_
_ Serial.println(“INFO: Attempting MQTT connection…”);_
_ // Attempt to connect_
_ if (client.connect(MQTT_CLIENT_ID, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASSWORD)) {_
_ Serial.println(“INFO: connected”);_
_ // Once connected, publish an announcement…_
_ publishLightState();_
_ // … and resubscribe_
_ client.subscribe(MQTT_LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC);_
_ } else {_
_ Serial.print(“ERROR: failed, rc=”);_
_ Serial.print(client.state());_
_ Serial.println(“DEBUG: try again in 5 seconds”);_
_ // Wait 5 seconds before retrying_
_ delay(5000);_
_ }_
_ }_

void setup() {
_ // init the serial_
_ Serial.begin(115200);_

_ // init the led_
_ pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);_
_ analogWriteRange(255);_
_ setLightState();_

_ // init the WiFi connection_
_ Serial.println();_
_ Serial.println();_
_ Serial.print("INFO: Connecting to ");_
_ WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);_
_ Serial.println(WIFI_SSID);_

_ while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {_
_ delay(500);_
_ Serial.print(".");_
_ }_

_ Serial.println("");_
_ Serial.println(“INFO: WiFi connected”);_
_ Serial.print("INFO: IP address: ");_
_ Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());_

_ // init the MQTT connection_
_ client.setServer(MQTT_SERVER_IP, MQTT_SERVER_PORT);_
_ client.setCallback(callback);_

void loop() {
_ if (!client.connected()) {_
_ reconnect();_
_ }_
_ client.loop();_

The port cannot be part of the IP, and that port is your Home Assistant, not MQTT

But the port and IP are seperated, can you make an example for me so maybe i understand it better…

I copied YOUR code verbatim. The IP and the port are NOT separated in your code. Your code contains an invalid IP address. Just look at the IP

:1823 is invalid. That is NOT part of the IP address, and your devices are NOT connecting to an MQTT server.

You my friend, are my hero. these stupid mistakes keep on setting me back on my project. Thanks a lot for the quick and good reply. After coding for so many hours i just look over these stupid mistakes.

And by the way, it works now… <3


Good to hear.

So @SvenBosma, what was the solution for you ? Did you remove the port ? Or you’ve changed the port and set it separately?

I changed the port to 8123 instead of 1823, it was a spelling mistake