ESPEASY with control over MQTT (SOLVED)


I’m stuck on how to control my espeasy using mqtt.

The problem is solely I don’t know the correct topic and payload to use. Everything else is working properly with hassio / mqtt / espeasy etc.

I have an led connected to GPIO 16
I can control it using the espeasy http post command

I also know that MQTT on the espeasy is working correctly,
I made a dummy switch and espeasy was posting the status correctly on my local mqtt broker.

I can’t however get the espeasy to respond to mqtt on / off commands.

Protocol: OpenHAB MQTT
Device: esp01
Subscribe template: /%sysname%/#
Publish template: /%sysname%/%tskname%/%valname%
Device: switch input
Name: led
IDX/Var: 250
Value name 1: switch

I would expect

  • Topic: esp01/gpio/14
  • Payload: 0 or 1

Can someone tell me what the correct topic and payload is to control gpio 14 led?


Can someone give me an example topic and payload that is working for controlling an espeasy?



Topic "/esp01/gpio14"

Notice the / before esp01