I have Proxmox running on a mini pc and HAOS running as a VM on my Proxmox server.
I’ve also got Node-Red and ESPHome running as LXC containers on my Proxmox server.
Both Node-Red and ESPHome work within their own ip address and I can access them via a webbrowser.
My question is, what is the best way to add these in Home Assistant and also how to add them in Home Assistant?
For EspHome:
I don’t think, that you can integrate ESPHome itself to HA if it is running on another LXC…
HA will only integrate the ESP device itself, if you are using the API within the configuration.
But I don’t have ESPHome running in its own LXC yet - it is still installed as Addon on my system - so I am not 100% sure
Thanks for the great explanation, unfortunately I couldn’t get Node-Red working via the companion integration so I’ve used the add on. Regarding ESPHome, the integration doesn’t seem to connect even though I’ve provided with the correct host and port so I might just use the add on.