Esphome api setupinstructies esp8266 nodeMCU

Does someone know what I have to do with my just bought esp8266 nodeMCU ?
Its my first onze, and never setupup onze before.

(Newbee on programming too)

Thanks for the reaction.

I did see this on, but I’m not using but Hassbian.
And my question is what to do with my esp8266 nodeMCU when I get it out of the pakkage the first time to be able to use (see) it in Home Assistant

Ok you want this link then:

Sorry, still way to complex for me as a newbee on ESP8266
Don’t even know yet on what en how to phisically connect it for putting something in it

You’ll still have to install it but ther eis a nice and easy web interface:

Scroll down to Bonus: ESPHome dashboard

Don’t I have to do anything without putting 5V power on it to work ?

You just plug it in with a USB mini cable. It will be powered from the USB port.

To my RP ?
And than just reboot my RP ?

Yes and no, dont reboot.

Watch this all the way through from the 00:11:06 mark:

It uses Hassio but if you get the web interface working for the command line it is essentially the same.

Sorry, but no idee what to do with this video ?
I would rather not use MQTT but the native API as well

Watch it. With your eyes. It shows the process of setting up a new ESP module. In this case they’re making a doorbell but the process applies to any ESPhome project.

So specify api: instead of mqtt: in the configuration file.

You need to start reading the documentation. You want to use the api? Read about the api.

It’s maybe becourse my basis knoledge is really basic and Englisch is not my first language. But I still don’t understand what to do with the ESP8266 nodeMCU to connect it to Home Assistant.
Do I have to upload a operating system or is one there already. Do I have to do something to make it accesble by wifi or can I do it with a cable. Do I have to put something on it somehow or do I have to do everything from HA.

At the and I started with it becourse I had a couple 1-wire sensors on longer cable’s and the don’t connect stable. I found something for that that runs on a ESP8266 and at the same time I read that HA has ESPhome as a native API sinds a few versions back.

All looked simple to setup :tired_face: but it’s realy not :sweat_smile:

The ESP8266 has nothing on it currently as it’s new. Once you create a program for it using ESPhome you will then download that program to the ESP8266 via USB cable from the your device on which ESPhome is running. That program (for your case) needs to have the line api: in it, along with other wifi details etc, and will then connect to your wifi and thus HA once up and running (powered via USB power supply, somewhere else in your house). It is actually very easy, the docs even have full code that you can pretty much copy and paste.


Setup wifi

Enable the api: (note: don’t worry about a password, simply add api:)

1-wire temp sensor

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first problem:
when I load

pip install esphome

I get;
-bash: pip: command not found

Got ESPhome installed. Had to install pip (2.x) first instat of pip3

But now how to start ESPhome (dashboard) ?

The only thing I get is this: