I’ve made use of the climate thermostat component and all is well. However I find the The lovelace card created allows an adjustment of 10 to 30C. I’m looking to adjust it down lower that just to prevent freezing. How / what can I edit to accomplish this?
i think you should adjust the min_temp in your configuration. The card must be just adopting these values. check out this
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Study
heater: switch.study_heater
target_sensor: sensor.study_temperature
min_temp: 15
max_temp: 21
ac_mode: false
target_temp: 17
cold_tolerance: 0.3
hot_tolerance: 0
seconds: 5
minutes: 3
initial_hvac_mode: "off"
away_temp: 16
precision: 0.1
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try that this evening.
No I think it should be done in esphome