ESPHome IP Address

I’ve just started with ESPHome and am puzzled why my router doesn’t show up ESP8266 devices with the addresses I’ve assigned to them. I’m sure that there’s an obvious reason, but it’s stumped me so far! Also, do ESP8266’s have MAC addresses - I’ve not seen any?

If you SET an IP address it is not GIVEN via DHCP by your router. I know no router showing those then.

Thanks for the reply, ‘sender’.

So does it mean that a conflict could occur if the router DHCP assigned a new device with the same address as a manually set ESP8266 one?

Not likely. Part of the DHCP “RFC” (the rules of engagement) before a router gives out an IP address it “checks” via ICMP (ping) if the address is in use.

EDIT: If the manually given device is not present on the network: yes it could occur.

hence… that is why you alway set a “scope” for DHCP addressing in a router.

e.g. is for DHCP. then it is safe to use 101-255 manually assigned (in a subnet of

My D-Link routers would always show any wireless clients regardless of how they got their ip

My Unifi controller shows any static ip anywhere on the network

If you want to avoid assignment conflicts, make your static ip addresses outside the routers DHCP range

I guess it depends on the router but every router I’ve ever used has always shown all IP addresses no mater how they were assigned.

yes, as far as I know all network devices have a MAC address. All of my ESP chips have a MAC address displayed with the IP address in my router. And I assign all my ESP chips a static IP address in the code.

Thanks all.
Good point about assigning and IP address outside of the DHCP range - I’d not thought of it.
My router is an Asus RT-N66U that I’ve flashed with FreshTomato. I’d always thought that it was quite competent and feature rich.