ESPHome Kogan Warm Cool Globe won't turn off

Hopefully I’m putting this in the correct section :slight_smile:

I’ve just flashed one of my Kogan globes to use ESPHome. I’m new to this whole custom firmware business. I’m having an issue with turning the light off. Turning on goes to cool white which is fine, but when trying to turn it off it just changes to warm white. I have used the config for the Mirabella Genio globes as I couldn’t find specific Kogan details, but they are essentially the same, I think, as the Genio ones.

I’ve got the following config which i found from

  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_warm_white
    pin: GPIO13
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: output_daylight
    pin: GPIO5

  - platform: cwww
    name: "Mirabella Genio Smart Bulb"
    id: laundry_light
    cold_white: output_daylight
    warm_white: output_warm_white
    cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K
    warm_white_color_temperature: 2700 K

    # Ensure the light turns on by default if the physical switch is actuated.
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

I’ve also tried GPIO14 for the warm white which I found in a site somewhere. But no change.

Edit: on further investigation it seems that when color temp is set to cold and then brightness is dropped to a minimum, the warm color temp shows at full brightness. As you dim the brightness, warm takes over. When you set the color temp to warm, and then lower the brightness it has no effect, it just stays at full warm brightness. The light still stays on full brightness at warm temp when you switch the light off. Hopefully that makes sense.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if this is in the wrong section let me know. Cheers.

Right section :slight_smile:

Looks like GPIO12 and GPIO5 as it is this bulb

The tasmota templates are incredibly helpful to esphome users too :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks. That fixed it.

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