The following frequently occurs, always for a brief moment:
Return temperature goes to -1°C
Hot water measurement goes to -1°C
Heating water measurement (boiler temperature) goes to 0°C or 100°C
All or some values are unavailable: when this occur, the logging pauzes for a while.
after 2 days still no results in the pid autotune
This behaviour is also in the log.
The device is not restarting, there are no wifi issues.
There are many debug messages per second.
Sometimes warning also: [13:04:29][W][pid.climate:122]: For PID autotuner you need to set AUTO (also called heat/cool) mode!
INFO opentherm.local: Ping timed out!
INFO Disconnected from ESPHome API for opentherm.local
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to opentherm.local
If I follow the logs, after a time the webpage stops. Only a reload works for accessing HA again. (connection lost: reconnecting message)
I tried:
another method to control the boiler with the same hardware as discribed on the diyless website: this works fine, so hardware is OK
Set a fixed IP to the device: no change, still unstable operation
I do see the logging issue. It appears to be related to a large amount of debug output causing the network interface to stop responding. Continually pinging the esp times out at the same time that the logger drops connection. Turning off wifi power saving seems to help a bit…
Reducing log output alleviates the logger / ping issue, so trying that might help you to determine if the two two issues are related or not. They aren’t for me - even when my logger times out I don’t see any dodgy OT values.
Having said all that, if an OT message isn’t sent to your slave device at least once a second this could well cause such behavior in your implementation since the OT spec dictates that this must be strictly adhered to.
In this implementation, an invalid response will set the return value to -1. Perhaps some more debug around the validation will help you to determine the root cause.
I have set the wifi power mode to none and the logger component on INFO.
logs are now only showing the pid autotune message running.
The dodgy values and unavailables are less frequent but still occuring.
When there is unavailable, these warnings are active:
[W][api.connection:857]: Home Assistant 2021.12.10 ( Connection reset
[pid.climate:122]: For PID autotuner you need to set AUTO (also called heat/cool) mode!
with the latter one occuring many times.
Mayby it it is because the polling is not within the second? Could it be set faster?
In the past I have used the example from on this hardware without issues.
With this esphome version I only would get rid of the mqtt part from diyless.
Found a bit of a solution, first I changed the update frequency of the temperature sensor entity to only when the value change, original it was a sensor with many digits after the comma, hence the many updates.
second, no autoupdate, since it is floorheating, it could take to 14 days to get the values.