Esphome using non or alternative domain to .local

Hi All,

I have installed ESPHome 2022.3.1 as addin to home Home Assistant Supervised 2022.3.7.
Unfortunately all my ESPHome devices are listed as “offline” - even tough I have added the “status_use_ping” option.
Reason is that ESPHome tries to ping the device using .local domain.

As I am using a named domain environment .local is wrong.
instead I need sth. like “.mycustom.dom” or just at all so DNS can handle the domain part.

Is there a way to configure this for esphome?

Never mind - found it in the docs :slight_smile:

  • domain (Optional, string): Set the domain of the node hostname used for uploading. For example, if it’s set to .local, all uploads will be sent to <HOSTNAME>.local. Defaults to .local.