Try to power your ESP32 through a 5v pin, instead of the USB port. It worked for me.
In MY case it is a ESP8266-NODEMCU and it IS powered via 5V-Pin… ;-(
This worked for me. (After trying every other potential solution I found while googling)
Thanks - forgot about the channel option … I know some earlier apple devices had similar issues with certain channel’s at the end of the channel range (11 and above)
Adding of these options solved my problem with Auth expired problem. Thanks to everybody!
The board is: ESP-WROOM-32, DEVKITV1
I had a horrible time trying to get it to work… ESP32-WROOM-32
Finally had success when I:
a) Set my 2.4Ghz SSID to Channel 1.
b) Stopped sharing the same SSID on 2.4 and 5Ghz bands (should have done that a while ago… I know)
But the secret sauce for me was:
c) Set the 2.4 channel width from 20/40 to 20Mhz only
d) On my ASUS GTX11000 I switched off the 802.11ax / WiFi 6 mode. I think that was causing some incompatibility grief
I have an esp32 c3 super mini that is doing this. Im thinking it’s a HW issue or cold solder joint.
When the board is not in a socket or pin headers, it connects no problem…the moment I put the board in pin headers or into a breadboard, the wifi issue pops up. Very interesting.
Adding these lines resolved it for me… So strange…
reboot_timeout: 15min
power_save_mode: none
enable_on_boot: True
fast_connect: On
output_power: 8.5