Esphomelib - A comprehensive solution for using ESPs with Home Assistant

Ok, so building a new node pulls the latest configs?

Ok, so I tried that. The temps seem to be more stable. Before I would get a 1000 degree swing. But it is still reading way off. I’m showing between 1024-1280 Celsius in my logger.


The suggestion of build a new node is just to revert the changes made incorrectly. You should edit the file again and modify as I wrote.

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Thank you very much! That worked.


I am trying to use my ESP32 as a BLE scanner, but I keep getting this error:

Memory Usage → The program size (1353704 bytes) is greater than maximum allowed (1310720 bytes)

  • I am using a nodemcu-32s.
  • I am running python and Esphomeyaml on a Windows machine (as I can’t compile esp32 sketches with me RPi).
  • I have tried increasing the maximum upload sizes in boards.txt inside the platformio folder but no luck.
  • I can install basic sketches that don’t include bluetooth libraries.

Any help please?

So I found the partitions table located at:
And increased the partition sizes.

After a lot of messing about, I finally have some setting that allows a sketch with WIFI and Bluetooth libraries to work with an ESP32.

For those wanting to do the same and that have run into the same issue, here are my settings:


# Name,   Type, SubType, Offset,   Size, Flags
nvs,      data, nvs,     0x9000,   0x5000,
otadata,  data, ota,     0xe000,   0x2000,
app0,     app,  ota_0,   0x10000,  0x340000,
eeprom,   data, 0x99,    0x350000, 0x1000,
spiffs,   data, spiffs,  0x351000, 0xAF000,

(edit your relevant board)


So the above allows the sketch to write to the ESP32, but it keeps crashing in the logs. So I don’t think the above is a suitable solution.

Has anyone had any success with ble AND wifi library sketches on an ESP32?


I just built a dual temperature oven sensor and seems to be working fine. The values I am seeing is kind lower than I expected, around 130C where the oven says it should be 200C. Although I drilled my oven to place the sensors it doesn’t seen to be in the optimal position (they are at the back). Anyway I’m happy for now :-).


ESP32 and BLE seems to be a troubled combination. OpenMQTTGateway has the same problem. I just gave up on ESP32 and had much more luck with 8266/nodemcu + HC-10 :frowning:


^ can someone tell me what chip is this?


I’d say so

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is there a way to flash a precompiled firmware via windows?
i can’t get the usb port to show up in the addon.

I’ve tried restart / 2x different usb cables / 2x different esp chips

do i need to click flash on the esp8266 chip. do i hold it down before connecting or something like that? thanks.

the restart for usb to show up is for the addon correct? not the entire

i was able to use the compile -> download .bin file -> windows pc -> flashesp8266 via usb

you should be able to plug the ESP into the RPi via USB and hit restart within the add-on (restart the add-on itself), not the actual RPi.

Was able to compile the .bin file in the addon and then click download and save to my windows desktop then use espeasy flashesp8266.exe in my windows pc to load the .bin file.

Is there a trick for using toggle relays?

I have a toggle switch for my garage door. I just send a command turn on relay and then turn off relay via mqtt. But is there a better way, where you said an action command to the esp8266 and then it briefly turns the relay on and then off?

Opposite problem here. It is receiving too much stuff. Have this ever happened to anybody? I receive like 80 packages per seconds.

The USB wont recognized in the addon, i got a sonoff basics that i was able to Flash tasmota so i know that the ftdi Adapter works but the addon dont recognized even restarting the addon after Plug it in in any help?

i can’t get the usb to recognise on my pi , my work around is: click compile -> download binary. Then use flashesp8266.exe to flash the .bin file using your computer. Then in the future you can use OTA for further upgrades.

I’ve made an automatic plant watering system using nodemcu and esphomelib. There is a peristaltic pump that feeds water to the top of the plant. There is a hole in the bottom of the plant pot which drains into the saucer. I have a floating magnetic reed switch that detects if there is more than 1cm of water in the saucer under the pot plant. If the saucer is full of water then stop watering the plant for today. I also have another overflow pump that can empty the water saucer underneath.

I’d like to add some additional functionality into the esphomelib yaml file.

The existing code is:

  name: plant
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
  password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    static_ip: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    gateway: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    subnet: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  broker: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
  username: 'xxxxxxx'
  password: 'xxxxxxx'

# Enable logging
# logger:


  - platform: gpio
    pin: D1
    name: "plant_1_water_pump"
    id: plant_1_water_pump

  - platform: gpio
    pin: D2
    name: "plant_1_overflow_pump"
    id: plant_1_overflow_pump
  - platform: gpio
      number: D3
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: plant_1_water_overflow

. .

Id like to add the following functionality within the nodemcu esphomelib yaml

1. When switch.plant_1_water_pump is ‘on’, turn it off after 5 minutes
2. If plant_1_water_overflow goes to ‘on’ then turn off switch.plant_1_water_pump

I could code it with an automation in but if my wifi dies or mqtt goes down then I don’t want to flood my sunroom!!

Can someone give me a hand with the code?


Edit: never mind i figured it out! I love this addon!

good to hear! Mind sharing the code for completeness of the question? I haven’t yet tried adding code to the ESP other than what the add-on creates just yet but plan to soon.