ESPMuse as a target/platform in ESPHome?

Yep, that’s what I thought. I’ve HA OS. Cheers again!

Found a solution. I leave it here if other people need it.

I use HA with SSL. I just added the NGINX SSL proxy

replaced my http config in configuration.yaml to

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

and forwarded port 443 to 443 in my router.

Now it just plays everything with the SlimProto Player integration as local urls are http.

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There is an LMS addon.

Thank you. Tried that but I can’t start the server. It seems the addon is not maintained.

What makes you think it is unmaintained?

It says so. I installed it anyway but when I hit start the logs is full of errors and I can’t access the web UI.

I don’t know how they work that out. There was a commit 2 days ago.

What are your errors? What are your settings?

Ok and I just discovered that you can’t run it as the same time as the slimproto integration

It says there is another instance of LMS running on the same machine. I deleted everything and re-installed but the error keeps showing.

Amazing. Many thanks for the tip. Where did you find that out?

Playing around and guesswork :slight_smile:

Well many thanks again, it works now!

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Got a problem. I have the Muse Lux flashed with the web flasher. Music Assistant works fine and I can play MP3s to it no problem. TTS MP3s don’t play on the device, even though I see them in the config/tts folder after I hit send, but they play fine on my local browser. Is there something I have misconfigured on the TTS folder or the SlimProto Integration?

do you get the error “can’t play Https”?

Thank you for reminding me to check the logs! Strangely enough I had a very old IP address for Hassio all over the storage folder. I replaced all of them and it worked. Music Assistant was using the current IP, but TTS was using the old one.

How are yall liking the squeezelite player? Im currently using the esphome integrated solution and while its cool and all id like the syncing function of the squeezebox setup. And I dont know yet if i want to take the plunge and reprogram this guy to use squeezelite

Also wondering if I should go with squeezelite oder esphome firmware to get the box integrated.
What do you say recommend ?!

Hi all,
I hope someone can help me here, because I am lost :frowning:

HA is installed in NUC with ubuntu 18.04 LTS (unsupported) and I have duckdns.

I am trying to add the ESP Muse Luxe.
At the begging I started with espHome. There was a player available, but worked only with radio browser (no tts, or local files). Then I tried with Squeezelite. The same. No tts or local files.

Now I am the point which I just installed the LMS addon. as @nickrout suggested to another user and now I am completely lost.

I have the following but I have no idea what to do with this…
Can someone help please?

edit: I just had to add the following integration. Now it is working.

Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) - Home Assistant (

sounds like you may need the media assistant add on

Is anyone using the ESP Muse Luxe speaker with Home Assistant?
Are you using it with ESPHome or squeezelite-esp32?

I don’t know anything about those technologies but I’m kinda interesting as I’m looking to set up a speaker in my kitchen for music. How does the speaker connect to Home Assistant? Wifi or Bluetooth?