Esp's stopped working

Afaik ESPHomeFlasher is for people that do not have HomeAssistant. I would erase the esp and let your own esphome create a yaml, build and flash it. I would doublecheck the secrets file (the one in the esphome folder, not the one for HA itself!) to mke sure what is in there is 100% correct before you compile the firmware.

And where can I do this?

Today I finaly got it working. it has something to do with the normal uploading. when I upload the code via OTA or UART where the file is a normal update file, it keeps going offline, but when I flash my code to factory format everytime I change something, and upload the factory format file it uploads the code correctly, and it stays online. so what it is, I have no idea, but I know that it is working now :sweat_smile:

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