Essentials - ESSE 120112 Smart Home radiator thermostat Premium - compatible with HA - or recommendation

Hey guys,

I’m looking for Zigbee radiator thermostat that is compatible with home assistant.

I found this one with looks pretty nice and is well priced. But i don’t know if it is compatible with HA.

Maybe you can help me.

Or is there another recommendation for a good thermostat.

Thank you and best regards


I have this and is compatible by meross add-on in hassio

do i need MTS100H with the Hub or is MTS100 enough the Deconz

If deconz can emulate Merros hub you can try , but normally merros hub give ifttt Apple kit and Alexa and google home Support and addon on hassio I think use Merros api so probably is better you buy hub version and after pairing you try to emulate with deconz

Did you end up ordering it? Did it work? what bridge are you using it with?

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I ordered one to try.
I would not recommend this, it makes alot of noise when opening and closing.
It seems to have A Open Close percentage, if i use it manualy it wil open more as i turn the knob (it feels verry cheap).
as for integrating with home assistant, i managed to bind it to my Zigbee2MQTT but i cant control it.
This might be of the lack of knowledge for HA, i moved to a new home and i used Domoticz in the past.

I can see the Radiator valve in HA it updates when i turn the knob but the responce is slow.

Will post more if i get it to work as it should