I have HA running on RPI4, with Eufy Security running, and a battery doorbell.
I want to send the most recent image with a notification - but I can’t seem to nail down the location where the image is stored ?
In an attribute of the doorbell is maybe the path showing as: “entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.doorbell?token=f49219325ce994b10bed45b2fa39cd858e981d79f332aa3a33954598756c3b55” - but I can’t seem to find that in the file system…
What is the correct path to use to the latest image ?
I’m also curious about this. With the Eufy doorbell, as far as my understanding goes, any image available within HA depends upon the P2P stream being active. I can create a new image once the stream is up and use it to update my camera cards and such but there is a delay of a few seconds while the stream is brought up and the new snapshot taken. If you review the recording of a visitor in the Eufy app, it’s clear that Eufy’s recording and initial image are taken earlier because the camera in the doorbell isn’t subject to delays around generating the P2P stream.
What I’m trying to find out is how / where I can pick up the doorbell’s first native image. The one it uses for it’s Eufy notification thumbnail. Where could we grab this from? Is it stored on the HomeBase? If so can this be accessed?