But after that it is complete silent. The sensor blinks red, indicating movement. But it does not report anything. Should it not send data about temp, light and other stuff from time to time?
Anybody using this sensor?
The config file is very simple:
homeassistant: true
permit_join: true
base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
server: mqtt://localhost:1883
port: /dev/ttyACM0
friendly_name: ‘0xa4c1384f303fa952’
friendly_name: ‘0x847127fffeea2f89’
frontend: true
Should there be more info in the config file, perhaps?
Well, there is a simple user interface in the zigbeeToMqtt showing me the device as normal. And I see under “Exposes” that there is no relevant data coming in. I have no ha (home assistant?) UI. I’m using Mosquitto broker to read data or a Java program that connects to the broker. Works ok for the other sensors I have. But the motion sensor is silent, just blinking to me, in red. Have a feeling that the sensor need to be kicked somewhere, just don’t know how. Or that my config file for zigbee needs some more parameters.