Evaluate Trigger with event data in list of values

can anyone advise what I am doing wrong? Below trigger does not function as it is written

platform: event
event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
  node_id: 38
    - "001"
    - "002"
  value: KeyPressed2x

but it works if I leave just one value there such as “001” and not trying to use a list of values.

platform: event
event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
  node_id: 38
  property_key: "001"
  value: KeyPressed2x


A list is not a valid value for property_key. If you need multiple triggers, use multiple events, or remove the property key from the trigger and compare it in a condition.

Also, depending on the device, if it only supports 2 scene IDs, then the property_key trigger value or condition aren’t even necessary.

Thanks for the help. I got to remove the property key. This served my need.