Every new sensor makes circle above the cards

I add new features each day but a week ago, There were so many circles above the cards and I was so irritated because it was looking awful. I deleted may senors but sill I wasn’t satisfied.
Here’s a pic of my home assistant page:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Is your question how to hide them? If so, use “customize”. Here’s more information: https://home-assistant.io/getting-started/customizing-devices/

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Or you can add them to a group if you want to have the sensors in boxes like switches and lights



You can also add them to groups so they show in panels. https://home-assistant.io/components/group/

Once you begin using this feature nothing will automatically show up anymore you will have to add it to the default view.

Just like @Danielhiversen stated.

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You’re also going to discover that some items (for me, it’s my zwave door sensor) will add several extra sensors. As you add them, you’ll get into the habit of tracking their entity_id’s down and either hiding them (via customize) or adding them to a group.

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Thanks everyone