All of a sudden I am seeing a sever slow down of my automations. My log is full of “Excessive time spent in scheduler loop” and “Scheduler clock skew detected” - see log below:
Yes - I agree … it should be easy - but I am struggling with it! It appears that this is not at all related to Appdaemon or HASS! My entire Pi is running very (very!) slow. Even when I shut down Appdaemon and HASS it is still running so slow. Seems to be related to my network - even typing in putty the letters are lagging as I type. Multiple reboots and I can’t figure it out. “top” not showing high CPU utilization, but anything that I do that goes over the network - either WAN or LAN and it is very slow.
if your network has problems then you cant be sure if the RPI is slow when you use putty.
the delay can be from the network delay.
do you have other things connected to your network that use it excessive?
but that shouldnt give such a regular warning, unless …
do you have an app or dashboard that checks a website every 10 minutes? weather or calender or such?
with network problems such a thing could hold up your AD, resulting in such a warning.
Did you ever get to the bottom of this? My RPI is showing the exact same symptoms you are describing, randomly after not changing anything for over a week. Removing apps that run periodically doesn’t help
Sort of…I think it has mostly gone away, but I can’t tell you exactly what I did. I do know that I was having some issues with a couple of my apps that were still a bit buggy around starting multiple listeners for the same event (although, I am not at all convinced that that was the the problem!). Also, I moved from the RPI to an Oracle VirtualBox environment running Ubuntu and that may also have helped to fix the problem.
Yes exactly the same 10 min interval, even tho no apps were running per a 10 min schedule.
However, i found that it was due to the fact that the Arlo component introduced a bug with the latest release which blocks I/O, thus making the machine very slow. A pull request for this has already been made in #9892 (not by me)
So disabling the component removed this problem for me
I found out that appdaemon does check if anything hass been changed in hass, every 10 minutes.
if people have problems with delay every 10 minutes that means there is a slow connection to hass.
several things can cause that.
if you have appdaemon setup so that it connects to an outside dns, (like duckdns) you go with everything over the internet. anything slowing down in that connection also slows down appdaemon.
a router problem causing a slow home net also causes appdaemon to slow down.
a very busy homenet (because off tv, cameras, etc.) also will slow down appdaemons connection with HA
to make sure that you minimize the problems:
make sure that appdaemon connects to HA locally (through http://ip) and not through outside DNS
appdaemon is designed for homeuse. it can be used outside the homenet and even with encrypting, but that will for sure slow things down.
that has to do with the way homeassistant is setup.
if encryption is set directly in homeassistant it seems that it isnt possible to connect to homeassistant without encryption and without the DNS that is linked to homeassistant.
thats why i use NGINX as frontend.
that gives me 2 options:
from outside: duckdns> router> NGINX> homeassistant
Thanks, I set AD to run using my local IP and yet have the same issue. Perhaps there is some traffic congestion, i’ll have to check it out. The Yeelights are rather chatty…
do you have your device where HA and/or AD are running, running on wifi or on hardwire connection?
if you have a device for HA and AD make sure you have it hardwired with the best possible connection to your router.
anything else can cause problems, more then you like for home automations.
Oh yes, im 100% wireless for the moment. The Pi3 is also my multimedia center so is next to my tv and the router is in the living. However, the latency between then is 20-60 milliseconds at most.
now you know where the small latency is coming from, and you know that if you get more stuff running in the future it could get worse.
but most off all, if it gets to be a problem, you now know how to solve it