Exensions from HACS not working from exernal

Hi there,
I´ve portated my HomeAssistant Supervised-Installation to the Core-Setup, cause I allways got trouble with updating the containers. The most is working like a charm, but since the change some HACS-Excensions are not working, when accessing them from external:

Example - access local via

Example - access via https://hass.myexterinaldomain.eu:

I´m using the offical Docker-Image (https://github.com/home-assistant/core) and there are no errors in the logs. Some HACS-Extensions are working (f.e. Scheduler Card, vacuum card), some not (f.e. rgb-color, simple thermostat, slider entity row).

For reverse proxy I´m using docker-nginx-proxy-manager (https://github.com/jlesage/docker-nginx-proxy-manager).

I have reinstalled the broken exensions, but that´s not helping - what have I fucked up?

A “Core” installation is a plain python one. You seem to use the “Container” installation.
It might seems a detail, but hose are vastly different, and it’s important that those who read you know exactly which type of installation you use.

In your instance, the best debug option is to check the console of the developer tools of your browser for error messages.