Expose multiple outlets as power strip

Hi Community,
I added a Homekit compatible power strip from Koogeek via HomeKit Controller integration into HA. That works likes charm.
However I now want to add this powerstrip pack to Homekit via the Homekit Integration. The Problem is that im just getting four single outlets in Homekit and not the “Homekit Powerstrip” accessory.
Maybe it would be possible to add this option to the integration ?

+1 to this, it would be useful for the ability to group multiple switches in Homekit given they have the type.

Have you tried Input select as in homekit it’s shown as a power strip, combined with some automations you can do wonders

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Yeah I was working with that but because it’s an input select when you toggle one of the power strip inputs on home assistant turns the other one off. I would like to be able to toggle multiple on in a power strip form factor in HomeKit rather than a million individual switches.

I found this while looking to do the same with a group of Input Booleans / Switches (kinda the same as outlets). I tried to group them in HomeKit, but then I just get one switch. I’d really like a way to get the power strip UI with 5+ switches on the same pane.