Exposed input_button not seen in shared houses in google home

Hi everybody, i dunno where I’m making mistakes, but this is the situation:

I created several input_buttons, everyone of them is working, which activates automations that I need .

In the configuration.yaml file I exposed to Google home (which I already use for sensors and switches) these buttons, for the second part of the job which is to integrate these buttons in Google Home’s automations(they appear in google as “scenes”) that I need.

things have to be made in this way for reasons that are useless to show now.

From google home, I created these automations in a shared house, where other users can see the automations as shared ones, I checked twice, the automations are not personal.they belong to the house.

Anyway, from the other users devices, I can see the automations, which don’t include the scenes (that is, the input_buttons in home assistant), and when I tried to set them manually in Google Home, the scenes neither appear among the single automation options.

I can’t figure out where is the mistake.

Can anyone help me?

this is an example of input_button

  project_id: myprojectid
  service_account: myhiddenfile.json
  expose_by_default: false
      name: cambia canale su Sky TG in salotto
      expose: true
      room: Salotto

I underline, i already use google assistant for switches and sensors and it works like a charm, this trouble is only about input_buttons… :sweat_smile: