I have 5 Nest Protect smoke/CO alarms that I’ve added to HA using the third-party Nest Protect integration via HACS. When I used Homebridge before, these were exposed to HomeKit which gave me critical alerts.
I’ve scoured these forums and searched generally but I can’t seem to find any information on how I can expose these smoke alarms to HomeKit using the HomeKit Bridge integration. Some posts seem to imply this is possible but although I’ve included every available domain, reloaded the integration and restarted HA they still don’t appear in the Home app.
Anyone done this successfully and have instructions to share please?
Struggling with this as well, as my smoke detectors apparently don’t come with a sensor entity that changes state when smoke is detected.
If yours do (and I’d love to know if that’s the case) then exposing this entity to Homekit can be done through the GUI of the Homekit Bridge integration or by tweaking the configuration.yaml. Simon42 does a great job of explaining this in this video. If German is hard to translate or understand for you, you can refer to the documentation here on how to filter what entities get exposed to Homekit.
Yes it does have a sensor (screenshot attached). I’ve exposed every sensor type and everything else through HomeKit Bridge and it still doesn’t show up in the Home app.
I have a feeling I’m going to have to run a Homebridge instance solely to get the Nest Protects into HomeKit since there seems to be no HA information at all about this situation.