Exposing Temp and RH Sensors to Google Assistant

I have several temp/RH sensors defined within HA which get their values from an external python script. Works like a charm however when I integrate Google Assistant they don’t show up. I managed to resolve the Temperature problem by creating a generic thermostats for each of these sensors. For example:

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Backyard
    heater: switch.thermo
    target_sensor: sensor.backyard_temp

When integrated with Google I can say “Hey google whats the backyard temperature” To which she replies “The backyard is off and it is currently [nn ]degrees”. Perfect!

The problem is the RH part. I dont know how to accomplish the same for the RH sensors. What do I need to do to make this part work as well?

Google assistant knows what is a temperature sensor. You should be able to expose them without the generic thermostat trick.
But this is not the case for humidity sensors. Google assistant doesn’t know what is a humidity sensor… So I don’t think there is any solution about this…