Exposing, then unexposing entities issue

I use Nabu Casa which, correct me if I am wrong, I believe plays a part in the process of Home Assistant Entity Exposing → Alexa. So the issue may be here, not sure. But I’ll ask here anyway.
I had a few entities (lights and switches) exposed to Alexa. Then a few days later, I unchecked them to unexpose them. Problem is, I then tried to re-expose them in the Voice Assistant → Alexa → Expose Entities (How I did it in the first place) and they don’t show up in my Alexa app and don’t work when trying to toggle them with Alexa. I tried adding one item I hadn’t added before in the expose section and I saw that it was a new device for Alexa to add, but it only had that one device. My switches and lights are gone forever in Alexa.
How do I add these if I can’t expose them in Home Assistant’s Voice Assistant’s expose menu?

The only luck I’ve had with this issue is to disable the Home Assistant skill in Alexa. Then, still in Alexa remove all of the Home Assistant devices - unfortunately this has to be done one at a time. Next, check to see if all the entities you do want exposed are exposed, and don’t have duplicate names from some other skill in Alexa. Then re-enable the skill.
Wish there was an easier way.