is it possible to extend the time for adding devices?
You can program it in an automation and have the timer with the time you´d like.
But is 5 minutes not enough? one device should not take you longer than that surely. If you need more time, you can just stop and start and the clock restarts.
I have 96 sensors that need to be paired again. It’s just annoying to repress the button.
I’d love a “allow until disable” button
In the “old days” I recall an automation like below. This should work and then you do not have a timer.
# Switch for enabling joining
- platform: mqtt
name: "Zigbee2MQTT Main join"
state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
Thanks, I’ll try that.
Use the setting in Z2M under Settings > Settings > permit join
. This is enabled until the next restart of the Add-on.
There’s another place where you can enable it (without a timer) in the config sceen of the Add-on, but I don’t remember exactly where.
Oh god how could I not see that? <.<
Thank you very much
As you see on the other posts, this is one of the good kept secrets in Z2M.
Don’t you worry, how do you think I knew about that…?