I’m the happy owner of a HA green and a Skyconnect and now that things work perfectly around the skyconnect, I want to find a way to control many zigbee devices in another room very far from where the HA green + Sky connect are. And I do NOT want to install many repeaters to reach the other room of the property.
I understand that things are not clear, so I draw what I want to achieve.
How can I give zigbee connection to the room with the big yellow question mark?
My idea would be to connect a zigbee hub device to the router in that room
Of course, I still want to access and control all zigbee devices through my HA Green
Thank you very much for your reply!
I definitely need to educate my self on Zigbee2MQTT because I do not know what Zigbee2MQTT stack is.
I checked all devices under Network (which would be my favorite options) and they seem all to be chinese very geeky ugly devices :-/
Does that mean that my use case is rare and there is basically no premium/well known devices offering that?
Tube’s Gateways (first item on that list) is definitely premium and not “chinese very geeky ugly devices” at all. Same goes for Zigstar gateways.
At the end of the day, it’s a small zigbee hub which can be hidden almost anywhere. I doubt you’ll be hanging it on the wall as a work of art, so geeky & ugly doesn’t really come into this. Reliability is much more important in this case.
or search the forum. if you don’t know what Zigbee2MQTT is, you are using ZHA. The problem is, you can’t have 2 Zigbee coordinators with ZHA on HA. So you use one with ZHA (the one you have now), and use Zigbee2MQTT for the second one.
Using an smlight slzb-05 here, works very nicely. It’d get at least one, or even two in case you want to add one to each of your wifi/ethernet access points (choice would depend if you have more zigbee router devices in the area)
I’m using 2 of the Smlight SLZB-06M here, works fine for me. One is inside the house on ZHA and the other is on Z2MQTT in the backyard garage, where I have a powerline LAN connection.
There should be a way to flash one of these to act as a router instead of a coordinator, I tried it, but it kept messing up. I would try that route before setting anything up first. Flash it as a router and add it to the existing Zigbee network.
Mine seems to get confused when I try to delete it and re-add it as a router. It starts to connect, while it shouldn’t and starts showing devices it’s not supposed to and nothing responds.
But that said, if you’re fine using Z2MQTT and ZHA together, it works perfectly fine. Z2MQTT sounds a lot more difficult and fiddly, but if you’re not using any special devices, it’s just as easy as ZHA.