Extra key warning after version 0.88?

I’ve been trying to trouble shoot this warning for a while and can’t seem to crack it.

"Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support (but were silently accepted before 0.88). Please find and remove the following. This will become a breaking change.

[friendly_name]. (See /config/sensors.yaml, line62)."

Code snippet from sensors.yaml below starting on line 52. Line62 doesn’t even have friendly_name and the friendly_name key I do have on line60 is commented out. So what am I missing

- platform: template
      value_template:  '{% if states.zwave.vision_zd2105us5_recessed_doorwindow_sensor_2 %}
        {{ states.zwave.vision_zd2105us5_recessed_doorwindow_sensor_2.attributes.battery_level }}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}'
#       friendly_name: 'Front Door Battery Level'
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      entity_id: zwave.vision_zd2105us5_recessed_doorwindow_sensor_2
- platform: template
  friendly_name: sensor.alarm_clock_time
#           friendly_name: 'Alarm Clock Time'
          value_template: >-
              {{ "%0.02d:%0.02d" | format(states("input_number.alarm_clock_hour") | int, states("input_number.alarm_clock_minutes") | int) }}

Sometimes the line numbers can be wrong, check the rest of the file for friendly_name

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In the code block you posted, 6 lines up from the bottom, friendly_name, invalid key at that level.

is friendly_name no longer supported?

It has never been supported where you have it there.

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I don’t think it ever was supported at that location.

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meaning it can only be used in customize.yaml?


Meaning it can’t be used in the location and manner in which you are using it. Even before when it wasn’t complaining it wasn’t correct. It just didn’t complain then.

This is right:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Alarm Clock Time'
      value_template: >-....

It will create a “sensor.alarm_clock_time” with a friendly_name of “Alarm Clock Time”.


thanks for clarifying

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