Failed to call service script/ Command not found: '' for Broadlink RM4 RF IR

Hi there

I followed this video to the letter of programming my kitchen blinds using RF

I have the blinds inside the Broadlink App and can control them through the app on ios.

I have added the intergration of broadlink and can see the hub so then decided to follow the youtube video to “learn command” & “send command” to get the entities into homeassistant.

Using the Broadlink RM4 Pro to control IR devices using Home Assistant - YouTube

However im getting the error of

Failed to call service script/kitchen_blinds_open. Command not found: ‘close_blinds’

when trying to run/call the script and i cant work out why.

When “learning” the command from the offical remote i get a green tick in HA indicating it has recevied the learning signal.