Failing to add Matter Devices, mDNS Timeout

Hello all!

I’m trying to set up the Jink 8E, which is a tablet charger controllable with Matter over Thread, but I’m encountering issues adding it to my thread network. This is my first Matter over Thread device.

I have currently got HAOS set up on my N100 Mini PC, via Proxmox. I also have set up the SkyConnect for use as a Open Thread Border Router. I have tried multiple times to add the new device via

  • HA Android App
  • HA iOS App
  • Google Home app (I have a Google Hub 2)
  • Manually, through passing through a BT adaptor, using the Matter Server add on.

On the final attempt, I was able to observe the logs, and noted the following error:

2025-01-27 16:07:15.711 (Dummy-3)
[chip.ChipDeviceCtrl] Established secure session with Device2025-01-27 16:08:17.535 (Dummy-3)
[chip.native.DIS] Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.2025-01-27 16:08:31.532 (Dummy-3)
[chip.native.DIS] OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000013]: operational discovery failed: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:123: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout

Effectively, there seems to be a timeout resolving the URL via mDNS. While it is not clear, I suspect it might be the OTBR URL, as detailed here:

I tried directly assessing the above URL through my browser, but was not able to, nor through command pings:

I am able to ping homeassistant.local and directly have it return the IPv6 address beginning with fe80 I’ve found below, but have not had any luck reaching the one starting with fda9, which I suspect might be my OTBR.

For additional context, I have set up my router to enable IPv6 over LAN, but not from my ISP.

I’ve been troubleshooting this for the past few days, and have really hit a dead end here unfortunately. If anyone would be able to lend an insight I’d be very grateful!

From looking at the logs of the Matter Server… It looks it completed a phase that is called the PASE phase (which I believe is just the Bluetooth part) and is now moving on to the Operational Phase. During the beginning of the Operational phase the device is getting its Thread credentials, and then a mDNS _matter._tcp is at play between the Matter Server and the device over the LAN, and my guess is that the Matter Server is not seeing it.

If you have a flat network where the device and the Matter Server are on the same LAN, then it maybe that the device did not get the correct Thread credentials and could not join the Thread network. But if you have the device on one LAN and the Matter Server on another LAN and your using some mDNS relay between LANs, then this is likely the problem.

The fda9 is a prefix representing an IPv6 ULA which the Thread router and HA will use to talk with each other, and the one showing in your screenshot UI is HA’s IPv6 ULA address (not the OTBR). You should be able to ping both of the fe80 and fda9 based HA addresses across the same LAN. Since you can’t I would focus on trying to fix this part.