Hey guys!
I am trying to set up my ESP32 with the ESP Home BLE Proxy, but it has failed miserably.
From what I have found online, the steps to install are:
- Flash the code to the ESP32 via the esphome.io site.
During this step, I have noticed that after the install finishes, most tutorials show that it automatically ask you to input your Wifi Credentials.
What I have found is that I am presented with the “Install Bluetooth Proxy” and “Log & Console” option. If I click on the Log and Console, then select back, I am then presented with the option to click on Wifi Credentials and enter the SSID and Password.
- Select “Add to Home Assistant” and adopt it in the ESPHome addon.
Here the device appears to be working well and shows up in my routers client list correct. I am then prompted to do some sort of install, which will work until the last step where it tries to reconnect to the device and will fail.
I have set the devices to static IP and MAC address, but that does not solve the problem.
I have tried searching this forum and implementing what I have found, but it has not worked out well for me.
Everyone seems to state how easy the install process is, but I have not found that to be the case. The ESP32 devices are the ones linked on the ESPHome site.
Any advice on how to get this working? I have very limited understand when it comes to much of this, so please be sure to explain each step in case I am doing something wrong.
Thanks in advanced!