Failing to setup BLE Proxy: Are the tutorials incorrect?

Hey guys!

I am trying to set up my ESP32 with the ESP Home BLE Proxy, but it has failed miserably.

From what I have found online, the steps to install are:

  1. Flash the code to the ESP32 via the site.

During this step, I have noticed that after the install finishes, most tutorials show that it automatically ask you to input your Wifi Credentials.

What I have found is that I am presented with the “Install Bluetooth Proxy” and “Log & Console” option. If I click on the Log and Console, then select back, I am then presented with the option to click on Wifi Credentials and enter the SSID and Password.

  1. Select “Add to Home Assistant” and adopt it in the ESPHome addon.

Here the device appears to be working well and shows up in my routers client list correct. I am then prompted to do some sort of install, which will work until the last step where it tries to reconnect to the device and will fail.

I have set the devices to static IP and MAC address, but that does not solve the problem.

I have tried searching this forum and implementing what I have found, but it has not worked out well for me.

Everyone seems to state how easy the install process is, but I have not found that to be the case. The ESP32 devices are the ones linked on the ESPHome site.

Any advice on how to get this working? I have very limited understand when it comes to much of this, so please be sure to explain each step in case I am doing something wrong.

Thanks in advanced!

I did this in the last couple of days and it worked fine.

A little more info needed please. What do you “some sort of install” - do you mean integrating with HA?

Shile this is certainly an excellent way to start, it is also quite easy to add a BLE proxy to an existing ESP yaml. So you could also set up a bare ESP config, look at the yaml for the corresponding setup and add the relevant parts to your own config if you are familiar with setting up ESP’s.