Fallover/failsafe if Main Router goes offline to protect Wifi Connected Switches/plugs?

Last night my main router (used for Internet connection, DCHP, etc. went offline (failed). As a result none of my wifi-enabled devices such as smart switches would operate as per the Automations they were set to.

Obviously most smart switches such as Tapo can only have one wifi connection and if this goes offline they won’t operate.

So my question is: what can I change on my network to ensure that if my main router goes offline for any reason there is still a wifi connection available to HA to operate these devices? Or is this simply a limitation of HA as such devices rely on a cloud connection to operate?

Thank you.

Which devices are we talking about? You only mention Tapo that is listet as “local polling” and should continue to work as long your local network is available.

Failed in terms of is now landfill?

You could offload DHCP from your main router and let another network gear (AP/Server) do that part. Just when they fail you will be greeted with the same “issue”.

Failsafe with automatic failover and redunant hardware as well as power supply is nothing that comes cheap nor does it necessarily minimize downtimes in a private setup (mostly due to complexity) :bulb:

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Thank you. Your final para confirms what I thought. The router is bricked so there was no “network” available.

Yeah no media. No network. No comms. Done. Nothing HA or the plug itself even can do about that.

You theoretically could have had fail over on the core router (unifi offers a failover for thier UDMs for instance) but youre talking hundreds of dollars for an entire duplicate UDM device. Does this happen often enough where you need to consider it as a factor? (unlikely)

Instead just know your settings/be able to restore or replace the configuration and know where you are getting your replacement device from so you can turn around a replacement quickly.