Fan.turn_off not working - but switch does

I have a Xiaomi Air Purifier that works with the switch, but if I set fan.turn_off, it doesn’t respond. In the GUI I can switch it off and on. It is not available under switch.turn_off.

Am I missing something here?

Did you ever manage to find a fix for this? I have the same issue with a fan that’s handled by the TuYa integration.

Turning off the fan from the Services tab in the developer tools (or from automations) doesn’t work, yet turning it off from the GUI works fine. From what I can see, the GUI sends the exact same command (fan.turn_off) as I use in the Services tab.

I also tried using homeassistant.turn_off but that doesn’t work either :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m now using this in my automation, which turns my fan off :man_shrugging:t3:

    - service: fan.set_percentage
        entity_id: fan.whisper_flex
        percentage: 1
    - service: fan.decrease_speed
        entity_id: fan.whisper_flex