Hi, I’m not sure if this is the place to post feature requests, but, after two version updates in a short space of time, it occurred to me that ESPhome could use a batch update feature, to either bump all nodes up to the latest version, or maybe a checkbox system to select the nodes for upgrade.
If this already exists and I’m just an idiot (highly likely), could someone point me in the direction of the magic UI element that does it?
I know that this may sound stupid, but how DO you update manually? just re-compiling and re-uploading the code? because I did this and it doesn’t clear the update message.
Refresh fixes a lot of random issues. For example, suppose you’ve added a new node, and you want to copy code over from a similar node. Clicking Edit will produce an error, until you press F5 to refresh the page.
I’m not a master of these things in the slightest, but I think it has something to do with … because adding a node changes the order, the yamls are no longer where they should be unless the page is reloaded.
Perhaps the solution is to hard-code a page reload into the hassio ESPhome interface after each major change? There’s probably a reason why that isn’t done, though.