Feature request: batch update of ESPhome nodes following version update

Hi, I’m not sure if this is the place to post feature requests, but, after two version updates in a short space of time, it occurred to me that ESPhome could use a batch update feature, to either bump all nodes up to the latest version, or maybe a checkbox system to select the nodes for upgrade.

If this already exists and I’m just an idiot (highly likely), could someone point me in the direction of the magic UI element that does it?

I would try

esphome *.yaml run

Not ui though.

You don’t have to update them.

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Oooo I didn’t know that was an option. Sexy.

I’ll have to experiment and see if this works on hassos. They’ve locked that commandline down harrrrrrd.

Ah but I must. That little “Update available” notification under each node makes my eye twitch.


Yeah I know what you mean…

Actually I don’t know if it is an option, just a guess.

Probably best to lodge feature request here

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My suggestion of esphome *.yaml run does not work. This does

for config in *.yaml; do esphome $config upload; done

Of course make sure that all the *.yaml files in the directory are ones you want.


that’s pretty cool, I also got tired to update each single device.

Does this instruction work for HASSIO/ESPhome too? Also I do not understant where/how to run the above line (SSH?)

Ahah, yes I also suffer of updatetitis :smile:

I don’t know. Presumably via ssh.

Are you sure upload also compiles?

It does from the GUI - just hitting “upload” starts by compiling, and it ends up updated to the latest version.

Well, for next version there’s gonna be a button on dashboard… https://github.com/esphome/esphome/pull/615


I know that this may sound stupid, but how DO you update manually? just re-compiling and re-uploading the code? because I did this and it doesn’t clear the update message.

just clicking UPLOAD.

BTW in the latest update they all got updated to DEV (not 1.13.5)

it seems only my SONOFF don’t actually update. Thanks, all my nodemcu updated!

I find you need to reload the gui (f5) before it shows them as updated.

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Refresh fixes a lot of random issues. For example, suppose you’ve added a new node, and you want to copy code over from a similar node. Clicking Edit will produce an error, until you press F5 to refresh the page.

I’m not a master of these things in the slightest, but I think it has something to do with … because adding a node changes the order, the yamls are no longer where they should be unless the page is reloaded.

Perhaps the solution is to hard-code a page reload into the hassio ESPhome interface after each major change? There’s probably a reason why that isn’t done, though.