Firstly about my HA instance:
Core 2024.9.0
Supervisor 2024.08.0
Operating System 13.1
Frontend 20240904.0
With the last HA update the “untracked consumption” feature, handled in this pull-request, got released.
What I found so far, which I see as an “issue”:
- I didn’t see an option to disable it… (although I can manually disable the “Untracked consumption” entity in the bar diagram)
- When you receive your grid energy consumption just on a daily base (e.g. your utilities provider only offers a daily reading), the graph gets more or less un-readable → see
It would be a blessing if this would be handled differently. I could imagine that the daily reading is divided by 24 and equally spread to each hour (in the hourly view). - When there are days, where the utility provider does not provide consumption for a whole day, the consumed energy measured by entities gets displayed as negative “untracked consumption” → see the first day in
The same thing applies also to the hourly reading, for slots where no consumption readings are available (the negative “untracked consumption” bars), see
I guess this feature was implemented for crowds in mind, that have an immediate grid consumption readings and are not struggling that their utilities provider only delivers consumption readings infrequently. (yeah, it’s 2024 and this still happens) And I think it’s also worth to mention: The grid readings are from the previous day…
As long as point 2. and 3. are not addressed (for users with daily readings) it would be, imho, good for affected users to have the possibility to disable this functionality (point 1.), because it get’s annoying to always have to disable the “Untracked consumption” entity to get the same diagram as before the release of this functionality…
Although I would prefer if the daily readings are spread across the hourly bars and when no readings are available the bar for the untracked consumption isn’t displayed as negative untracked consumption.
What are your thoughts on this?