Feature Update: Switch Tado Home / Away Mode

Hi Community,

Today the official Tado app/website has been updated to include a manual switch to switch from Home to Away mode. Before this change it was not possible to manually change this, and the official integration doesn’t include this option. It would be absolutely perfect to get this working so I can use my home-assistant presence detection to switch the heating on and off.

I have looked at https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io/blob/52e0cbd0fd172a0d98ccea92a50cf364df0b1880/source/_integrations/tado.markdown

but was unable to find how to add a feature request. I off course understand that this is an open source community and I was looking to send the original developer of the integration an email to see if I could help out/beta test an update the integration.

I hope this is the right place to ask my question, if not I hope someone could point me out in the right direction.

Kind regards,


Excuse me, I just found out this has already been worked at: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/32765

Is it already finished?

Hi Waldo,

I just found out it has been implemented in the latest beta:

Should be released next Wednesday, 8 April. I’m going to install the beta today and give it a go.

Hi Martijn,

Thanks! I will also give it a try :slight_smile:

Got it working here, but took me a while to figure it out. When adding it via the automation menu choose “action type: call service”, then choose “climate.set_preset_mode”, choose your climate device and type in service data:

preset_mode: away

Use home instead of away if you want to set home mode of course.

Hope it helps you out!


Do I need to download or add anything to my homeassistant, or will it be updated automatically?

Updating to 0.108 released today is the only thing you need to do, you can find it under the supervisor tab.

Good Luck!

Good news, works perfectly so now I must not go through the app to switch the home/away mode but can do it with an automation in HA! Very good!

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It seems only preset_mode home and away is supported. To bad the preset_mode auto is not supported. I want to force it sometimes to a specific value, but be able to fallback to auto mode of tado…

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I don’t know if you’ve found a solution to this, but what I’ve been doing is using set_hvac_mode and setting it to auto.

Hi spamsal, the hvac_mode auto is not the same as the preset_mode location mode auto I assume. One is about the automatic/default temperature planning while the other is related to the home/away location of the people.

You are completely correct! I’ve completely misread… :man_facepalming:

Setting preset mode to home/away is no longer working for me
Is it for other people?

@markdevine I just installed HA today and just added the Tado integration. I am using Climate: Set preset mode with Preset mode set to either home or away and it works perfectly. I did set all Tado devices I have as target, not sure whether that’s needed but it seems to work.

If ever that helps, I’ve created a gist with my configuration. I’m using HomeKit for the automation instead:

  • Off: Home Mode
  • On: Away Mode

Anyway to get it working with tado x?