FGD212 cross-associations not working reliably

Hi all,

I’ve been stuck with an issue with a few Fibaro FGD212 dimmers that I hope someone can help me to sort out (finally…). I’ve lived with the issue below so far, but since one of the older FGD211 dimmers has died and I need to replace it, I’d like to see if I can get it sorted once and for all…

Okay, so the issue occurs when I have two dimmer modules that each control a light, but I want to use Z-Wave associations to be able to cross-associate the second (momentary) switch channel on the dimmer to control the other light. So, as an example

  • ‘Room A, Switch 1’ controls ‘Light A’ (directly)
  • ‘Room B, Switch 1’ controls ‘Light B’ (directly)
  • ‘Room A, Switch 2’ controls ‘Light B’ (via cross-association)
  • ‘Room B, Switch 2’ controls ‘Light A’ (via cross-association)

FWIW, I prefer direct association over scenes with HA, since I want it to work if/when HA goes offline for some reason.

Now, with the old Fibaro Dimmer modules that is working perfectly. However, with he FGD-212 modules (“Dimmer-2”) the S2 switches are not working reliably, meaning that sometimes I need to press the switch S2 twice for the other light to actually react appropriately.
To complete the story, these associations were set up years ago, before I moved to HA. But they didn’t work proper then, either…

So, I hope someone can help me. I currently use ZWaveJS to configure and maintain the Z-Wave network. The current configuration in the ‘Groups’ tab for the Dimmer2 module (for ‘Room A’) contains the following items:

  • Endpoint: Root Endpoint, Group: Lifeline, Node: NodeID_1, Target Endpoint: Root Endpoint
  • Endpoint: Root Endpoint, Group: SENDS MULTILEVEL SWITCH command class frame S2, Node: Room B, Target Endpoint: None
  • Endpoint: Endpoint 2, Group: Dimmer(S2), Node: Room B, Target Endpoint: None

Can anyone see an issue with this? Is it not correctly configured? What’s your config?

BTW, the “FGD-211/Dimmer 1” modules have a different configuration in the Groups, but the options do not match, so I cannot recreate it exactly for the “FGD-212/Dimmer 2” modules…

Tips/links/solutions are greatly appreciated to get these modules working as expected! Thanks!
