Fgs 214 fibaro

Hi everyone

I’m running HA on a pi 4 8gb. I’ve some zwave devices… As bridge I’m using the Aeotec Stick.
Few months ago I included in the zwave network a fgs214… At that time it wasn’t in the list of supported devices by openzwave… So it was possible to include the device in the network but the full parameters weren’t accessible…
Apparently the fgs214 is supported by the openzwave…
So should I have to delete the device and reinstall it? Or is there a way to update the device itself in HA?
I would like to avoid to revamp all my automations involving the fgs214

Many thanks

I see that there’s just been an update of OpenZwave (beta) to 0.8.0. The changelog states: “Update OpenZWave to 66619ed”, so it’s possible that the OpenZwave admin tool is now displaying the full information. Try it?

I have noticed that the device is reported in openzwave but not on zwave component (see on github).
So I have to wait…

@bellojo: I also have a fgs214 waiting to be supported. I found it supported in device database but don´t know whats the zwave component on github is you mentioned or where to find. Could you give me a link? I am newbee so sorry if its a ridicoulus question.
Thank you in advance.

@FrankL1966 : I was talking about old stuff … So forget it . I will try this weekend to remove the FGS214 from my intsallation and re install it hoping that this time it will be recognized …Stay tune ;-).

I 've already updated the HASSIO …

@bellojo: I will. Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello, good afternoon.

I also have a FGS214 I want to use to control my boiler, unfortunately I need to change some parameters for the relay to act a normally open, exactly the situation described above. I do not use openzwave but the old zwave (deprecated) integration, I am facing your same situation, do you have any news regarding this device? Do you know if switching to new zwave-JS may help? I have more than 30 devices and migrating is going to be a pain.
